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Abstract (2. Language): 
Rett syndrome is a progressive, neurogenetic disorder. The syndrome, which has an X-dominant inheritance, affects girls predominantly. After Down syndrome, Rett syndrome is the second leading cause of mental retardation seen in girls. After a normal development for 6-18 months, the disease appears with symptoms such as acquired microcephaly, psychomotor retardation, unpurposeful hand movements. Because of the autistic symptoms commonly seen in the disorder, more attention for including Rett syndrome in the differential diagnosis of a number of conditions is being paid. The aim of this review is to evaluate the relationship between etiology and clinical features of the syndrome with respect to the recent advances in its molecular basis
Abstract (Original Language): 
ÖZET Rett sendromu ilerleyici seyir gösteren, genetik temeli olan nörolojik bir hastal›kt›r. X’e ba¤l› dominant kal› t›m modeline sahip olan hastal›k ço¤unlukla k›z çocuklarda ortaya ç›kmaktad›r. K›zlarda gözlenen mental retardasyon nedenleri aras›nda Down sendromundan sonra ikinci s›rada geldi¤i kabul edilmektedir. Genellikle do¤um ve sonras›ndaki 6-18. ayl›k süreçte normal geliflim gösteren çocuklarda hastal›k zamanla geliflen mikrosefali, psikomotor gerilik ve amaçs›z el hareketleriyle kendini gösterir. Sendromda otistik bulgulara s›kça rastlan›lmas› bu sendromu birçok hastal›¤›n ay›r›c› tan›s›nda daha çok gündeme getirmeye bafllam› flt›r. Bu derleme Rett sendromunun moleküler temelindeki son geliflmelerden yola ç›karak etyolojiyle klinik tablo aras›ndaki iliflkiyi de¤erlendirmek amac›yla ele al›nm›flt›r.



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