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Effects of Different Fermentation Time, Packaging Color and Bag Sealing Applications on Packaged Corn Silage Quality

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Abstract (2. Language): 
In this study, effects of two different fermentation times (35 and 70 days), pack-aging colors (black and white) and sealing (thermal sealing without vacuum in single bag and vacuum binding with clip in first bag + thermal sealing in second bag) were investigated on packaged corn silage quality. According to research results, pH values increased and flieg scores decreased as fermentation time gets longer. The crude protein values obtained from white colored bags were higher than those obtained black bags. When silage quality parameter values are taken into consideration all fermentation time, packaging color and bag sealing appli-cations could be recommend. Packaged corn silage may be advised to be used in small scale livestock farming due to easy transporting and "well" silage quality class.



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