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Development of Al-Si-Fe/Rice husk ash particulate composites synthesis by double stir casting method

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The dispersion strengthened of Al-2.8%Si-0.8%Fe alloy reinforced with rice husk ash was produced by double stir-casting method. Properties namely: density, hardness, impact energy, tensile strength and microstructure were analyzed. The result of the tests and analysis carried out, revealed that addition of rice husk ash as reinforcement increases hardness values with a decrease in density and impact energy, as the weight fraction of rice husk ash increased in the alloy. The strength increased up to a maximum of 15 wt% addition of the reinforcement. The microstructure revealed the distribution of the rice husk ash particle in the ductile metal matrix. However, an increase in strength and hardness values occurs because the highly dispersed phase severely restricts the movement of dislocation through the metal lattice. This study has showed that abundant rice husk can be used in the production of metal matrix composites for engineering applications.
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02468101214161805101520% of Rice husk ashImpact Strength(Joules)
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