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Abstract (2. Language): 
This study is intended to investigate the perception of teachers who work in private and state primary schools about the school-parent relationship according to the criteria of expected school-parent relationship at an effective school. It was used the survey method at this study, and a questionnaire which prepared by researcher by means of a specialist at stage of collect data. The reliability of the scale was found 0,93 according to Cronbach Alpha. The questionnaire was applied 57 state and 38 private school teachers at 2 state and 2 private schools in 2008. In terms of the problems of the study, the data was analized by handling the distributions of the frequencies and the percentiles of the teachers’ responses. In addition t-test and one-way ANOVA techniques were also used for the comparision of the groups of public and private school teachers. The results showed that the teachers of state school reported that public schools have effective school features at parental dimension. On the other hand the teachers of the private school reported that contrary to expected private schools have not effective school features at parental dimensions.



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