

Socio-psychological consequences of i ^ SiZLiGiN: Socio-demographic characteristics of individuals from ATTITUDES AN AREA ARAJSTIRMASI

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Unemployment has been a recurring social, economic and psychological problem throughout this century, and a permanent feature of economic life in Turkey and other countries. The substantial cuts to income that most unemployed people face, can be psychologically destructive. Loss of income and poverty can be especially psychologically destructive for adults, as they are likely to have financial and family commitments. It is now well documented that for many the experience of unemployment brings with it physical and mental health problems. The effects of unemployment on health are examined in the categories psychological disturbance, physical health, and adverse risk factors for health. The main implication of unemployment as a social norm is that the psychological impact of an individual's own unemployment will be reduced by a higher level of unemployment amongst relevant others. Psychological distress is a serious problem among unemployed people, and may lead to various social and psychological problems. In our study was found that unemployed middle-aged adults had significantly higher levels of psychological disturbance and lower levels of life satisfaction than in younger and women.
Abstract (Original Language): 
i§sizlik, bu yiizyilda Tiirkiye'de ve diger ulkelerde ekonomik hayatin kendisini siirekli besleyen sosyal, ekonomik ve psikolojik bir problemdir. Bir gok i§siz insanin kar§i kar§iya kaldigi "gelir kaybi" ilerleyen zaman igerisinde psikolojik bir yikim siirecini ba§latmaktadir. Ozellikle aile ve finanssal sorumluluklari olan yeti§kinler igin "gelir kaybi ve fakirlik" psikolojik yikima neden olabilmektedir. i§sizligin beraberinde bir gok ki§i igin psikolojik ve fiziki saglik problemlerini getirdigi tespit edilmi§tir. i§sizligin saglik uzerindeki etkileri: psikolojik rahatsizliklar, bedensel saglik ve saglik igin olumsuz risk faktorii kategorilerinde goriilmektedir. Sosyal bir norm olarak i§sizligin psikolojik baski unsuru olarak bireyler uzerindeki etkisinin, ekonomide yuksek duzeyde bir i§sizligin oldugu durumlarda azalma egilimi gosterdigi dikkat gekmektedir.i§siz insanlar arasinda psikolojik stres ciddi bir sorun kaynagi olup ge§itli sosyal ve psikolojik problemlere neden olmaktadir. Cali§mamizda orta ya§taki yeti§kin i§sizlerin genglerden ve kadinlardan daha yiiksek oranda psikolojik rahatsizliklara ve ya§am sevincinin azalmasina rastlanmi§tir.



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