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Abstract (2. Language): 
Schools are the institutions in which individuals are tried to acquire knowledge and skills by means of training and teaching with a certain plan. Besides knowledge and skills acquisition, school should establish a connection between learners’ school life and real life. Students should not feel isolated from the real life while at school. To achieve this, it is essential to establish a relationship between school and the environment they live. This can only be achieved by a variety of events that can be associated with the school and the environment. At this point, one of the issues on which educators agree is that extracurricular activities should be attached importance as well as subjects. Social activities cover all training activities performed in-school and out-school activities with prepared schedules. Some of these activities are performed by the students as community service within the scope of social club. In this respect these activities performed with the counselling of teachers are of capital importance. Especially, in terms of socialization of a child, sense of responsibility, environmental consciousness and proposing solutions to social problems, community service is important. When viewed from this aspect, researching the teachers’ views on these services confront us as a worth-stressing matter. The aim of this study is to identify the teachers’ views on these activities performed as community service within the scope of social club. Qualitative research method has been used in this study and the case study design has been considered. Easily accessible case sample has been selected in the sample selection. In the study; semi-structured interview forms has been prepared in order to get the teachers' views on importance and necessity of community service, the activities performed outside the school and in school, civic issues, levels of students' participation in work and the more effective implementation of the work. The questions in the interview form have intended to collect information for the purposes of research. Semi-structured and open-ended interview questions were led to 25 teachers face to face by the researcher during the interview. Interviews have been carried out in teachers’ room and at appropriate locations like an empty classroom at school. The interviews have lasted between 12 and 26 minutes. Answers were given during the interview have been noted down and also recorded as audio recording. During the interview, the researcher have led pre-prepared questions to participants respectively and have cared to provide the necessary silence to get the responses that evoked by questions and to use the interested listening responses to encourage them to talk. For the analysis of the obtained/collected data the program N-VIVO 8 was used. In this study, a content analysis has been used and data has been analyzed and assessed by the in this way. As a result of the interviews; teachers stated that they have found these activities so important and in terms of contribution to socialize students, environmental cooperation, to give the chance to group work, to contribute to the promotion of the school, the preparation of life, to develop the sense of responsibility, to help self-knowledge, to bring national, moral and universal values, to contribute to the personality development, professional recognition and problem solving skills. Only one teacher who participated in the interviews stated that this work was unnecessary. Eleven of the activities performed by the teachers participating in the research had been carried out as in-school activities and 14 of them as out-school activities. The teachers stated that they had made corporate trip, aid campaign, seminars, blood donation, recycling and book distribution campaign as out-school activities and activities like sporting events, charity campaigns, disaster training, cleaning work, school newspaper, bazaar, theatre and tree planting as in-school activities. 11 teachers who participated in the research carried out found the participation in activities adequate whereas 14 teachers found it inadequate. Teachers who found the participation in the activities inadequate had seen that the participation had been inadequate due to reasons such as scantiness of facilities, the lack of interest of the students, the lack of promotion, consisting of very little environmental support, and the lack of time. In addition, teachers stated that they had experienced some problems because school management, the environment, the students and the parents made the act unrelated to these activities, the prepared paperwork for the activities was too much and because of lack of time, inadequate physical facilities, the communication problems with institutions and crowded classrooms. With respect to carry out these activities more effectively, Teachers stated that support from the school management, the provision of school-community collaboration, cooperation with other institutions, financial source separation, the organization of events according to the needs of the environment, support of the other institutions, ensuring the voluntary participation, giving service training, organizing activities enhancing the student requests and allocating enough time would make these activities conducted more affective. In view of the research findings, following recommendations have been made: • The importance and necessity of community service work should always be considered and the necessary attention to the work conducted should be given and they should be carried out seriously. • To carry out community service activities more effectively, the relations and cooperation between students, teachers, school management, parents and institutions should be strengthened. • To carry out these activities easily, efficiently and effectively; enough time should be given. • To provide the caring and interest in activities with the students, activities to arouse their interest the curiosity should be included in, the activities to be done should be appropriate to the level of students and of quality fun to attract them.• To carry out these activities more effectively, facilities in schools should be developed and should be increased, the necessary equipment for activities should be provided. • •School-family cooperation should be developed, also the family participation in activities should be provided. For this purpose, activities such as seminars, panels and more for parents should be organized. Future activities should not be limited to only the students but also parents should be allowed to be conscious about it. • Teachers and school administrators should be given in-service training related to community service work. • Research investigating teachers, administrators and students' attitudes towards the community service work should be carried out. • Studies on the impact of community service work on the academic achievement of students can be done.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu çalışmanın amacı, ortaokul öğretmenlerinin sosyal kulüp kapsamında yapılan toplum hizmeti çalışmalarına ilişkin görüşlerini belirlemektir. Nitel araştırma yönteminin kullanıldığı bu çalışmada durum çalışması deseni dikkate alınmıştır. Örneklem seçiminde kolay ulaşılabilir durum örneklemesi seçilmiştir. Araştırmada; öğretmenlerden toplum hizmeti çalışmalarının önem ve gerekliliği, okul içi ve okul dışında yapılan etkinlikler, yaşanılan sorunlar, öğrencilerin çalışmalara katılım düzeyleri ve çalışmaların daha etkili uygulanabilmesine ilişkin görüşlerini almak amacıyla yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu hazırlanmıştır. Elde dilen verilerin analizinde N-VIVO 8 programı kullanılmıştır. Araştırmaya katılan öğretmenler, yapılan bu çalışmaları özellikle çocukların sosyalleşmesi ve çevreyle işbirliğine yönlendirmesi nedeniyle önemli ve gerekli gördüklerini belirtmişlerdir. Öğretmenler; daha çok okul içi uygulama yaptıklarını, okul yönetimi, çevre, öğrenci ve velilerin yapılan bu çalışmalara ilgisiz davrandığını, evrak işlerinin fazla olduğunu, zaman yetersizliği, fiziki imkânların yetersizliği, kurumlarla iletişim kuramama ve sınıfların kalabalık olmasından dolayı sorunlar yaşadıklarını belirtmişlerdir. Çalışmaların daha etkili uygulanmasına ilişkin olarak öğretmenler; okul yönetiminin destek vermesi, okul-çevre işbirliğinin sağlanması, maddi kaynak ayrılması, çevrenin ihtiyacına göre etkinliklerin düzenlenmesi, kurumların destek vermesi, gönüllü katılımın sağlanması, hizmet içi eğitim verilmesi, öğrenci isteğini arttırıcı etkinlikler düzenlenmesi ve yeterli zaman ayrılmasının yapılan bu faaliyetlerin daha etkili olmasını sağlayacağını belirtmişlerdir.



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512 Mehmet Nuri GÖMLEKSİZ – Hasan Hüseyin KILINÇ
Turkish Studies
International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic
Volume 10/3 Winter 2015
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